Home » 2013 » June » 28 » Addmefast-Social Exchange|Boost Your Social Presence
7:48 PM
Addmefast-Social Exchange|Boost Your Social Presence

What is AddmeFast?

Addmefast is a social signal exchange site. Members vote on other user's site (Facebook likes,Google +1, Google Profile, Twitter followers, Youtube views). For every member site you voted for you will earn points. These points can be used to get likes, 1+ for your own sites. It's simple, it is fast, and it is free. Sign up is FREE You will even get 100 bonus points every day (you'll need to login).

 Services Offered By Addmefast:

addmefast services

Adding Your Sites / Pages to AddmeFast is easy and only takes seconds:

addmefast add site

Earning Points is fast, easy and convenient, because you won't have to leave the addmefast member's site.

addmefast earn points

As you can see on the image above, you can earn up to 9 points for giving one Google +1 to another member's site. You can use these 9 points and get several +1's for your own site. The higher the number of points you are willing to give to another member for voting for your site, the faster the votes will come in.

In the beginning I thought that it will take forever to get some votes. However, it only took about one hour to get 50 Google +1's and Facebook likes.

Of course you can also buy points. This is a great option if you do not want to spend time visiting and voting for other member's sites.

All in all AddMeFast is a great service if you are looking for a cheap (Free) and FAST way to get tons of Facebook likes, Google+1, Twitter followers etc.

Category: Social Exchanges | Views: 999 | Added by: Tomanian | Rating: 0.0/0
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